The Arts Fac

I find the above 'thread' pretty hilarious. Saw it in the cubicle around the corner of one of UWA's many lecture theatres.
Not the ideal place, of course but you'll be surprised at the amount of conversations and interaction that take place in one cubicle alone.
I was just mentioning to Kristal the other day actually, how I'd feel inadequate if I were to come to school in merely tshirt and jeans. We talked about this cause Kristal was donned in well, tshirt and jeans and had commented that she felt like a Poly student (no offence to Poly students out there. Besides, what's wrong in wearing tshirt and jeans??).
I feel as though every day, I'd have to invest in a decent amount of time to pull together an outfit, particularly now, because it's winter and there's just so much layering that needs to be done (opt that out and you'll most prolly freeze). It's all fun, of course because you get to play around and actually put on things you forgot you had.
But it struck me though, and my mom couldn't have said it better when she asked me, "Are you going to school or a fashion show?"
I cheekily replied, "Fashion show,"
Exactly why I chuckled when I saw that someone had drew an arrow and said, "Arts Students?" when 'Who has the time to dress up for school?' was posed.
I'm not sure what's it like in Singapore, but I have to say, the girls here at my Uni, they dress pretty fashionably. It's like a vast runway and I often draw inspirations just by walking around campus.
Then again, I largely commune to and fro the Arts Building and the Soci Building, so I can't say that *all the girls at UWA are fashionably-inclined.
And I wore my super discounted pair of SteveMadden rainboots from Myer to school today (sediakan payung sebelum hujan, katekan) and thought to myself, if I were to go for a run in these boots, I think I'll get me some sturdy leg muscles ... and some leg injury because obviously they're not suitable for such activities.