Food For Thought, Lessons From AnthropSo I was reading up on an article by David Counts titled Too Many Bananas, Not Enough Pineapples, and No Watermelons at All, and I came across this particularly interesting 'lesson' of 3 lessons:

[If you are a little visually-challenged (or majorly, like me), it reads: Never refuse a gift, and never fail to return a gift. If you cannot use it, you can always give it away to someone else -- there is no such thing as too much -- there are never too many bananas.]
We've often been taught that we shouldn't possess too much of a commodity and/or intangible good(s) since it might derail our moral standing.
I find the quote above a fresh twist to the normative dogma we've been coerced to adhere to.
After all, where sharing is caring, I guess one can never have too much of anything.
I therefore urge you to participate in SWAP activities, instead of purchasing commodities at any opportunity there is.
If you're in Singapore, do keep a lookout for SWIRL's SwirlSwapSwop (
in Perth, a good example would be Winifred&Bance's Vintage SWAP Party (
It'll be a unique experience each time, I guarantee.
Hahah, well well who am I to anyhow guarantee like that, eh!
Just from past experiences I guess.
Best if you can attend it with a friend or two.
Three friends and you might end up fighting over the same stuff.
Unless you're all of 3 different sizes la.