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Sunday, September 13, 2009
Beauty within Budget: Make-up Remover

I'm not sure how many of you out there have applied eyeliner and/or mascara and then find that it gets really really hard (and painful) to remove the make-up on your face!

Even after you've taken a warm shower, cleansed your face, toned, and moisturised, and repeatedly dabbed balls of cotton with XXX brand make-up remover (I have one from Benefit, and it hardly works! ;[ ), you *still can't get the paint off your face.

What you're left with instead is just irritated and sore skin (did you know that the skin surrounding the eye is approximately 7 times more sensitive?) .

I came across this economical beauty tip a long time ago (can't even recall if I read it in a magazine or on a blog or watched it on tv ...) but decided to go out and get myself one today since my Ettusais and Mac eyeliners have recently seen the light of day after a long hiatus.

I got mine at 125ml, but I am definite that you can get it at 200ml as well. At just AUD$4.29 from Priceline, this baby works wonders! (I'm sure Singaporeans can find this at almost any pharmaceutical outlet/supermarket near you!)

I swear by it now, because it was *soo easy and fuss-free (although a little oily c/p to the actual make-up removers) to clear any trails of make-up, especially the eyeliner which can get extremely hard to clean off!

I got mine in Lavender (just cause I love the smell) but you could choose the original one if you prefer a more neutral scent.

So people, stop wasting your $$ on those deceivingly promising make-up removers and get yourself one of Johnson's Baby Oil today because what doesn't hurt a baby shouldn't harm us (certainly not our pockets) either!


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Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Fashion Inspirashion : Karla Derass

Stumbled upon Karla's Closet
a couple of weeks ago, and I have to say that I really like her style!

She's my age and I think she's a real cool chick! She's got punk! Haha.
She's got to be since she can pull of such a hairstyle well (though I personally prefer her medium length bob ... then again I'm partial to anything remotely feminine except when there's too much feminity like too much lace or something. Moderation is key!).

Some of her ensembles that I really like:

Same awesome cobalt blue blazer, two different styles! <3

Never thought a cowl neck could look this great when paired with wide-leg trousers.

Like the minty colour of the blazer. Just 'POPs!' at your face, but kept subtle with the ruffle details.

Miss Singapore World'09 Ris Low should take a cue from Miss Derass and realise that leopard prints would look more sophisticated and stylish with a well-cut blazer!

Two different textures pieced together weaves a success!

I really like the silhouette this outfit creates.

Effortlessly casual cool but still feminine and put-together.

Wonder who's my next fashion inspirashion.

I know the term sounds cheesy! but I like it like that!!


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Monday, September 7, 2009
Singaporeans in Vocal Action (and/or lack there of)

A little something to share with you!

These videos have been spreading like wildfire over the course of a week.
On Facebook mostly.

I mean no harm to anyone viewing this.

They're just for leisurely purposes, really!!

So, sit back and enjoy! (or prepare to cringe your heart out)

Not sure why they're coming out twice each but here goes:

"My Good Friend Vicky"

"Miss Singapore World 2009 - rrrRis Low"


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Saturday, September 5, 2009
Because Perth is never the same without you

Perth is colder and quieter without Mizah's contagious laughter and her makcikness (but her cooking is sedap given the makcikness), Sasya's crazy laughter and stories about Ben her Fish&Chips Boss, Atul's quiet acknowledgement and generous heart and Ayesha's crazy mama dancing routines.

Miss all of you terribly.

Since it's Ramadhan now, all the more I wish you guys were here to share it with me.

Till we meet again (and not virtually please).



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Wednesday, September 2, 2009
City to Surf Run 2009

So the day finally came for my housemate, Kristal, who has been anticipating for the 12k run on Sunday, 30 August. Like I mentioned before, my participation was born out of spontaneity.

On the Friday before the run, I had accompanied Kristal to the Convention Centre behind Esplanade Busport to collect her tag/bib. They had booths set up for last minute registrations.

The thought crossed my mind, but I was still in much deliberation. I mean, I've never entered any of this before. I haven't trained for it, and I was fasting. I brushed it off for a while, and walked around the exhibition hall. There were several cool items, and Kristal even got herself a pair of Asics running shoes at a good buy! She was contemplating on getting the five-fingers shoe though. It's a really unique pair! Check it out:

Vibram FiveFingers Classic in Lilac/White

Cool, huh! It looks just like one of those toe socks except that you can actually wear this one out without getting yourself hurt!

It's lightweight, and from what I can recall, it's within the price range of ordinary sport shoes.

It comes in different colours, of course but for the sake of visual pleasure, I presented you with the one in lilac. (I'm such a girly girl).

The funny part is the slogan on the poster I saw at the booth reads:

Train like an African, Run like an African

It kinda makes sense, lah cause we know that Africans, who are usually known for their fast cadence, run barefooted (not really a choice, I guess but a signature, nonetheless) and it cleverly entices people into thinking that if you run barefoot as well, you can run as fast as them! (these people must be delusional, but I still think the slogan works!)

Well anyway, the morning of the run was a pretty hectic one. I didn't drink as much as I should've had during my sahur (breakfast at dawn before the start of a new fasting day) but I did manage to digest a banana for energy (is this true? my friend once told me to eat a banana before a race, back when I was 9).

Because of the road deviations/blockages, we had no idea how to get to the venue punctually! We booked a cab to get us to the nearest train station (only train services were not disrupted) but instead, the cab driver offered to drive us all the way to the reporting venue. We were so, so lucky! But we also had to pay the additional charges lah.

In the cab, evidently still a little sleepy.

Marathoners along Stirling Highway.

On the way to Esplanade Park, we caught sight of the runners of the 42.4k event. It was a chilly, chilly morning at approximately 7.40 am, and they're up & running already! Didn't manage to capture the leads, who were all Africans.

Oh by the way, the winner of the Marathon will get to bring home $25,000. In cash prize ... I think! The winner is a guy named Joel Kemboi, if I'm not mistaken.

According to news reports, the City to Surf Run 2009 attracted nearly 40, 000 people. Imagine! Running alongside that many people. Apparently, it is the largest event to attract the most number of elite athletes in Australia, since the Sydney Olympics! How cool is that?

If you were wondering, for all 12k events, starting point is within Perth CBD, at St George's Terrace, to City Beach via Subiaco. For the 4k event, starting point is at Perry Lakes Reserve to City Beach.

As I had carried along a shoebag with me containing the digi cam, handphone, wallet and towel, I'll need some sort of locker to store these things while I run. Thank goodness for the Thrifty store people who provided this very service, free of charge!

Basically, you hand them your stuff and place it inside this big white plastic bag, seal it with a portion of your number tag for identification purposes, and you'll meet them again at the end point, after you've completed your run! Awesome, huh?

Kristal's going to store something in there so she can run to her best ability! Haha!

I've never been to an event like this back home in Singapore, so I can't testify to this, but the City to Surf Run was really interesting and vibrant!

They have a best-dressed competition for participants, and a respectable amount of people took that challenge!

There was a group of participants from one of the 12k running categories (there is a 12k walk category) who got all dressed up in their costumes and even carried a big cylindrical shaped advertisement approximately 3-4 metres long. Imagine carrying that for over an hour, up hills and down the hills, covering a range of 12 clicks!

Can you picture yourself doing that? I certainly can't! Sadly, I didn't get to snap a photo of them either but I did get pictures of these fancy-dressed participants:

Her hair must have been heavy, huh? If I remember correctly, she was a 12k walk participant though, so not that much big a deal. I do wonder if her hair managed to stay put throughout the course of the event. You think?

I've got to admit that although I wasn't fully prepared for the race and there were plenty of hiccups along the way, I did enjoy myself a lot.

Of course there were times where I wanted to give up because I got a little thirsty but I keep telling myself, "You paid $34 for this! Better maximise it and keep on running!" Haha. What a way to motivate myself, right? But it worked! It was a good run, and what's most important was that at the end of the day, I felt good too!

Kristal and I are generally happy with our timings although I'm sure both of us feel we could have done better given more preferable circumstances.

We got our results online the very next day! I'm too shy (maybe a little embarrassed lah) to post the real figures up. Haha!!

Before the race. Still looking a little 'stale'. Haha.

After the race. Definitely more energized! Yay!

We ♥ our medals! (We even took home an extra each. *shameshame!)

There were so many things going on at the scene. It was like a carnival!

You can't see it from these pictures, but there were like rides and stuff (for kids, mostly).

We were blessed with good weather too even though it has been pouring in Perth! Told you we were lucky!

We had wanted to cool down and walk around, check these booths out. But if we did, we'd be late for another event! We were busy like bees that day!

Oh well, no losses. Till we meet again next year!

Hopefully, I'm ready for a 12k run by then!


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Monday, August 31, 2009
UWAFP (Taylors College) 2010 Brochure

Hold on to your horses everyone, because what I've got in store here shocked us (Kristal and I).

We had a great laugh about it though, so I thought I'd share it with you here!

These were taken in April this year.

Cover page.

This was the biggest shock of all I guess.

I think I look a little weird - not used to having my face blow up this big!

Kristal posing in a Chem experiment at the lab.

Here, she still looks like when I first met her 7 years ago!

A snapshot with Elle, the college's receptionist.

I learnt that she's only a year older than I am, which makes her 21 this year.

Hope you had a good laugh too, somehow! (I know Sasya would, and Mizah too if she took a break from her job at Lavender and read this!!)

Look out for my update on the City to Surf run coming real soon!


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Friday, August 28, 2009
City to Surf Run 30.08.09

Kristal and I will be taking part in Activ's City to Surf Run tomorrow, Sunday, 30.08.09

Kristal's participating in the Channel Nine 12k walk/run and I will be doing the 4k walk/run.

My participation was out of spontaneity!

I have to take baby steps and not be ambitious about this because it's my first mass run. So, 4k it is!

Hope we'll get all the love & support from all of you back home or wherever you are!


On a different note,

I'm planning to take up a non-aggressive sport to strengthen my back (since I suffer from back problems).

Flex-A-Lates or Pilates ?


They're both pretty similar, but Flex-A-Lates is slightly cheaper! Though the drawback is that classes will begin at 8 am, whereas Pilates will start at 6.15pm.

Both classes will be conducted at the UWA Crawley Campus.

Your suggestions are much appreciated! ( :


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Jalan2 Cari Makan: Love & Care Cafe
(Walk2 (to) Find Food)

Singapore is widely known for its food culture where cheap and good food are easily attainable throughout the city.

As a Singaporean myself, I'd have to say that food plays a big part in my life. I LOVE FOOD. Or more like, I LIKE TO EAT. A LOT. Being away from home though, especially in a land full of ang mohs (Caucasians) it can be tough finding a good eatery that serves a good spread of Malay food (or even Chinese food, Indian food etc.)

With culinary skills like mine (or lack thereof, really), I'm really blessed to have a housemate who cooks and actually enjoys doing so! (Her shepherd pies are yumm!!) Nevertheless, I can't torture her into cooking for me all the time (just most of the time! Haha!) and moreover, it's nice to go out and get some fresh Perth air sometimes! It's a beautiful country after all.

We would occasionally dine in at a Malaysian restaurant, serving authentic Malay food, located on Pier Street, just across Miss Maud's. A plus point is that it's approximately 5 minutes walk from Hay Street/Murray Street Malls so it's good to drop by for lunch or dinner after a exhaustive shopping trip!

Love&Care Cafe, 38 Pier Street

When I say it serves authentic Malay food, I do mean it. This is not a hoax, people!! Why I say this is because often, in a Western country, you'll find that almost (if not) all Asian restaurants advertise themselves as caterers of 'authentic' -insert country- food. Now now, we all know that surely that's just a good marketing strategy. But since I'm not a marketeer, I'm telling you, the food at Love & Care Cafe makes you feel like you never left home!

The restaurant is rather hidden from the public. It's competitors on the other hand, Cafe Karache and Ihsan's Cafe, which are strategically situated, have less than authentic array of dishes. It's just my opinion, but I'm sharing this with you out of personal experience.

Trying to capture the kampong essence of the cafe

With a kampong-style interior, the restaurant has a compact but friendly group of waiters/servers. They serve buffet at lunch, and ala carte for dinner. You could get bandung cincau and teh tarik from here as well. The buffet consists of popular Malay dishes such as Beef Rendang, Ayam Masak Merah and Sayur Lodeh, while for dinner one can choose to have anything from Mee Soto (with rice cubes), Nasi Goreng Pattaya to Prata and Curry.

Since it's Ramadhan (the fasting month for Muslims worldwide) now, Kristal and I visited this quaint Malaysian restaurant earlier this evening for my break fast.

Our plate of appetizers. 2 goreng pisang, 2 jemput-jemput and 2 dates! but my date is missing.

It was thoughtful of them to serve complimentary dates as I broke my fast. That's not all though, Kristal and I also had our first bite (in a long while) of jemput-jemput (correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's mashed banana and flour) and goreng pisang (banana fritters)! I liked the jemput-jemput best! It was crispy and tender all at once. Nomnomnom!!

$9.50 Nasi Goreng Love&Care (with fried chicken and egg)

We both had the Nasi Goreng Love & Care, which was tantalizing. I'm no food critic, but I can assure you it was worth the $9.50 (don't be alarmed, these are the 'normal' prices for food here, but it has to be said that the portion justifies the price!). The rice was moist enough with a tinge of spiciness (just a little spice to enhance the flavour), and the fried chicken was ... what can I say, fried chickens are simply yumm!

Love & Care Cafe is by far my dad's personal favourite eatery (although he can never get the name right. He always calls it things like, 'Care & Love', 'Love & Hope', or something way off) whenever my family is here to pay me a visit. He'll insist that we have our meals here whenever possible. If he had his way, that would mean all the time! Haha.

Since my dad is a big foodie himself (he was a satay boy and helped run a family food business years and years ago), I reckon this would be a good recommendation to all of you.

Love & Care Cafe opens on Mondays-Fridays at lunch time, from around noon to 2.30pm, and from 5.30 till late, and till 2.30pm on Saturdays. So be sure to organise your time properly if you don't want to miss this authentic Malay food dining experience in Perth City!


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